** Note: CyClopS Lp will SHIP in MAY 2023 **
CYCLOPS is a journey through the world of mind-control experiments, psychological operations, and unexplained historical anomalies.
Featuring documents, videos, games, and other media produced between the 1950s and early 1970s, CYCLOPS requires active engagement and participation. Users are tasked with reconstructing events, deciphering codes, conducting open-source intelligence investigations, and analyzing music, literature, and poetry to move through a work that is part treasure-hunt, part historical unfiction, and part cybersecurity challenge.
The entry point for CYCLOPS is a series of audio recordings found on an LP record. Some of the tracks are musical compositions, others are filled with voices reading letters and counting numbers, and others resemble static noise. Each track contains hidden puzzles leading to the interactive narrative on the CYCLOPS mainframe.
Through interactions with the mainframe and LP record, users reconstruct some of the most bizarre and disturbing projects initiated by American intelligence agencies.

CycloPS groUP
The Cyclops Group is a collection of artists, writers, engineers, software developers, musicians, cryptographers, sound designers, and filmmakers dedicated to the creation of "speculative reality" artworks that emphasize interaction, cooperation and problen-solving to uncover hidden histories and to reveal the invisible forces that shape contemporary reality.cycLOPS fAQ
What is CYCLOPS?
Cyclops is a “speculative reality work,” but we’re not sure that clears much up. Think of it as a new art genre that combines elements from Alternate Reality Games (ARGs), with aspects of historical “unfiction,” experimental narrative, and cooperative problem solving. It is meant to be played and experienced by self-organized groups of people working collaboratively.
How do I ‘play’ CYCLOPS?
Cyclops I is available to play at in mid-May, 2023. In order to play, you will need the first 12 tracks of the Cyclops LP and will need a valid enrollment code. To begin CYCLOPS, you should enroll on and then begin to solve the puzzles contained on the LP tracks. It should be self-explanatory from there. There is much more to come… the rabbit hole goes quite deep…
How do I get an enrollment code for CYCLOPS?
There are multiple ways to get a code. The easiest way is to buy something that comes with a code. Here are some places where you can get registration codes:
- Buy an unclaimed PRELUDES NFT, then solve the puzzle contained with it and claim your CYCLOPS LP at The LP comes with a code inside it.
- Be gifted a code by a friend. We believe it to be nearly impossible for a single person working alone to ‘solve’ CYCLOPS. But by solving parts of it you’ll occasionally be given enrollment codes you can gift to someone you might want to help you out along the way.
- Find one. They are hidden out there. Go looking.
- Be on the lookout for additional NFTs created by the Cyclops Group. The next one will come out in May and will come with a registration code.
- You can purchase an LP with a registration code from this website with cash.
- We will eventually release an all-digital version of CYCLOPS, stay on the lookout for that.